Monday, January 10, 2011

We Can All Do Better

Yesterday I wrote that the media would soon come out against those who hold the Tea Party responsible for the shooting of a woman that Sarah Palin implied ought to be shot. I was right. CNN's David Gergen has put out a muddled opinion piece suggesting prayer and soul searching, and oh also maybe we should make some changes, but only if we're careful not to identify the source of the problem.
And now we have Gabrielle Giffords, apparently the first female member of Congress who has been shot, courageously fighting for her life. Six others are dead. This is not a moment to point fingers and make accusations. But it is a time to pray for the victims -- and to pledge to each other that we will struggle for a more civil and decent America.
I wonder how many of those on the right who constantly complain about political correctness run amok will call people like Gergen on their absolute refusal to consider that maybe the Tea Party's violent rhetoric could have contributed to Giffords's shooting. Sure, there were at least two Tea Party ads connecting her removal from office with the use of guns, but we just can't go pointing fingers. Let's all close our eyes and pray instead.

Most people reading this have probably had a job where the behavior of one or two co-workers was causing problems for everyone. All too often, the way bosses deal with this problem is to send an e-mail to everyone, or post a notice in the break-room, identifying the problem and suggesting that we all work harder to resolve it. Everyone reads it, those at whom it's actually directed disregard it, and nothing is fixed. That's Gergen's prescription in this case. We all need to be more "civil and decent", even those of us who never stealthily suggested that murder is just another form of voting.

I'm sure those actually responsible for the problem feel well and truly chastised now.

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